Świdnicka Fabryka Lin i Drutu „Linosteel” Sp. z o.o. is one of the leading producers of steel ropes in Poland. It was established in February 2018. but its history dates back to the 19th century. The factory was started in 1822 by Anton Korner, a German businessman. At that time, its seat was located at Pankiewicza street, as it is presently named, in Wałbrzych (formerly in Waldenburg) and the subject of its activity was production of sieves and wire ware. As a result of growing request for steel ropes from the coal mines of the Wałbrzych-Nowa Ruda Mining Filed, the Wałbrzych Glass Works and the nearby mills, in the 70’s of the 19th century the machines stock of the factory was thoroughly modernized , and in the 90’s of the 19th century it was moved to new facilities at the crossroads of present Wrocławska and Długa streets. Up to the 20’s of the 20th century, the factory had been subjected to regular redevelopment and, finally, it looked as in the photo below. It employed
staff of approximately 300 people.

In 1945. as a result of nationalization and integration of the properties overtaken by Polish State, the factory had become a state-owned company and was given the name Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe Dolnośląska Fabryka Lin i Siatek (State Company – Lower Silesian Factory of Ropes and Nets) In the 60’s, the plant was attached to State Company Silesian Plant of Ropes and Wires„LINODRUT” in Zabrze, as Plant No. 4. and in 1993 it was converted into Dolnośląska Fabryka Lin i Drutu „Linodrut – Linmet” Sp. z o.o. w Wałbrzychu (Lower Silesian Factory of Ropes and Wire „Linodrut – Linmet” Ltd.), where 100% of the shares were taken by Śląskie Zakłady Lin i Drutów „LINODRUT” S.A.
In 2004 the plant was sold to a private company. Over the period 2004 – 2015. it underwent development and modernisation. In 2006 the objects in Wałbrzych were expanded, and in 2010 the production was moved to Świdnica to Inżynierska Street 8. obtaining in this way 300% more of the production, warehouse, office and storage space. In years 2010 – 2015. a purchase of new machines and devices was made, increasing the range of the produced diameters of steel ropes and the production capacity of the plant. Presently, the plant is situated in Świdnica at Inżynierskia Street 8. It has a very good location, in an industrial district of Świdnica city, it is 300 m from state road DK 35 Wałbrzych – Wrocław and approx. 3.5 km (5 min. of driving) from the Świdnica bypass leading to motorway A4.
The plant has an area of 2.5 ha for disposition. The buildings make up for 12728 m2 of usable area. There are additional halls being designed ofo the total area of 2400 m2. The owners of Świdnickia Fabryka Lin i Drutu „Linosteel” Sp. z o.o. intend to increase its production potential.