Steel wire ropes

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8×31 Warrington Seale–WSC

Steel wire ropes with linear contact of the wires – 8 -strand
Steel wire ropes of design type: Warrington Seale


Rope diameter: from 16,0 mm to 32,0 mm
Strand design: 8×31 Warrington Seale–WSC
Strand design: 8x(1-6-6+6-12)+1x(1-6-6+6-12)
Core: WSC
Execution standards: EN 12385-4
Tensile strength range: 1770 N/ – 1960 N/mm2
Zinc coating: Class B*


Nominal rope diameter [mm] Approximate nominal weight [kg/100m] Minimum breaking load [kN] 1960 N/mm2
16,0 106,8 178,6
18,0 135,1 226,1
20,0 166,8 279,1
22,0 201,8 337,7
24,0 240,2 401,9
26,0 281,9 471,7
28,0 326,9 547,0
30,0 375,3 628,0
32,0 427,0 714,5

*on request, we produce ropes from ungalvanized wires (without zinc coating) and from heavily galvanized wires – class A